#A clash of kings audiobook chapter list free He washed ashore on the third day, coughed up water as he was being dragged away as a corpse, with the knight that had picked up him swearing that the boy was clammy dead. His wits and memory were wiped clean and is now a prized companion of Stannis’s daughter. I couldn’t help drawing a connection to the Drowned God, with respect to Patchface’s rebirth by water. Many of his comments that we are privy to are connected to the water, e.g., ‘here we eat fish, under the sea, the fish eat us.’ Everyone seems to discredit his ramblings, but perhaps he has been given the gift of foresight by the Drowned God, especially when he won’t stop singing about the shadows, e.g., “The shadows came to dance, my lord, dance my lord, dance my lord,” he sang, hopping from one foot to the other and back again.

The other comment that stood out to me was Shireen’s complaint regarding her bad dreams about the dragons coming to eat her.“The shadows came to stay, my lord, stay my lord, stay my lord” he jerked his head with each word, the bells in his antlers ringing up a clangor.” Could these shadows be referring to Melesandre’s murderous shadows that will soon make an appearance in Clash of Kings? The second section has us returning back to Arya who is on the road with Yoren.Does this refer to Daenerys coming to Westeros, or perhaps an allusion to the rumored stone dragons on Dragonstone coming to life? Or if the show is to be believed, are the dragons eating her referring to the flames that she might be sacrificed to for the sake of Stannis’ war? With Martin, I never discredit bad dreams. We don’t realize it yet but one of the three men in the cage will significantly change Arya’s path through these books.

In Sansa’s first chapter Joffery’s name day is being celebrated with a tournament, in which Ser Dontos Hollard makes a fool of himself, leading to Joffery sentencing him to death.I can’t help to question, how did a Jaquen H’ghar, a member of the Faceless Men become captured and placed in the King’s Landing dungeons if it was not of his own volition? Why did he not escape? It all had to be a plan of some bigger purpose. Sansa jumps to his rescue, leading to an interesting connection in the future. #A clash of kings audiobook chapter list free.
#A clash of kings audiobook chapter list series.