But, it basically comes down to the distraction blocker app you are using. Such apps can help you stay focused without being distracted. This is exactly where distraction blocker apps enter the stage. You may have an incontrollable tendency to check your News Feed or check answers on Quora. Our brains have grown accustomed to services like Facebook and Reddit. These are the reasons why you should start blocking distractions instead of getting distracted. The result? You would actually spend more time on both projects. This Research from American Psychological Association shows that multitasking can undermine efficiency. It also proves that multitasking is less productive than most people think it is. Several studies have proven that you need 23+ minutes to get back to the workflow once you’re distracted. What about macOS built-in Parental Controls.And, distraction blocker apps are there to help you. So, even if you want to get distracted and try to access these platforms, YOU CAN’T. As it happens, it will be better if you can block all these services. It’s an overkill to train yourself not to use Facebook, Reddit, Quora or Gmail, you know. It means you have to block all distractions from bothering you. Do you know the solution? Don’t get distracted at all. That’s why some people tend to call these sites ‘distractions’. That doesn’t work when you are trying to multitask a serious project and something like Facebook or Reddit.

You spend less time and you get the feel of finishing multiple things on time!